Saturday, January 12, 2008

Love Lorn

Love is like a juice
Some bitter, some sweet
Is it true that ribs can tell the kick of a beast from a lover's fist
Bruised bones record it well
The sudden shock, the hard impact
Thin swollen lids, sore eyes spoke not of lost romance, but of hurt
Hate is often confusedIts limits are in zones beyond itself
And sadists will not learn that love by nature extracts a pain unequalled on the rack
Heavens hath no pleasures like a woman loved
Hell, also ,hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Eb the Celeb said...

I love it!

desperate lady said...

I really like it.
P.s-are u in love?
Thanks 4 visiting ma blog.

africa entertainment plus sports said...

I recomend the last two lines of the poem to everyone in a relationship.Memorise it and always thint about it before making any move.

Xave said...

"Intern"? That word has interesting connotations. And what makes it funny is I have no idea if you are a chick or a dude! A rather humorous conundrum don't you think?